Life Style

10 Tricks to STOP Being Awkward

Busy your brain

What do you do at parties and social events? do you stand around wishing you could go home? do you spend the whole night racking your brain?

If you feel lost in social settings, well here’s a trick you can use to stop being awkward.

Instead of wandering around a social event, be the host.

The host of any event has a lot to do, planning activities, refilling snacks and drinks, keeping tabs on guests.

Hosting is a busy job but that may be exactly what you need, you’re the most awkward when you don’t know what you’re supposed to do.

Right, you stand around waiting for something to happen you overthink and over analyze and that makes you 10 times more awkward, so if you give yourself something to do, your thoughts will be occupied your brain will be busy.

Hosting social interactions will be the least of your worries and you’ll approach strangers with confidence because you’re too busy to care

Now as intimidating as it sounds host a party or event of your own, take an active role in your social life, if you keep your mind occupied you’ll socialize with purpose and confidence.

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