Life Style

8 Life Skills that Everyone Should Have and Know How to DO

it’s important to learn in practice various skills if you want to survive and thrive in life in this article I’ll be showing you eight things that everyone should know.

They are knowledge skills or ideas for improving your life whether you’re male or female young or old smart or dumb you need to know these things in life if you want the best.

Personal finance skills

The first thing you should develop which is my favorite skill by the way is your personal finance skills.

if there’s one thing that everyone should do its learn to be financially literate and independent, this is important because no one really cares about your financial issues or sob stories.

No one wants to help you out also money is what runs the world without it you will not get far in life.

In fact, you won’t be able to do the other things mentioned in this article thus you must learn how to build and maintain your wealth.

To do this you should be trying to save your money through budgeting plans investing of assets and saving for emergencies.

You should develop discipline for avoiding unnecessary splurges and should know the various knowledge and terms that are associated with finance.

I place special emphasis on investing because this is where most wealthy people build their wealth.

There are many types of assets to invest in like stocks bonds and boasting.


if you want to get ahead, learn personal finance and you’ll be the second thing for surviving is cooking.

This is an important skill because if you job mastered this you will be dependent on someone else or die.

Now sure with many restaurants and food delivery services like uber eats in GrubHub, you can mostly get away with not cooking much but this 2020 pandemic has caused some services to shut down.

if you didn’t prepare for this, you were up starved knowing how to cook will allow you to be independent of that.

it will also keep you more healthy while causing to spend less money in the process, this is because most restaurants had questionable ingredients while marking up the price very high.

You don’t have to be the best master chef but you should know how to operate the stove oven and various kitchen utensils and can cook basic food items of your culture’s delicacy.

First-aid and health unless

the third most important thing is first-aid and health unless you’re immortal you will get hurt when you do, you will have to stitch yourself up.

You need to know what to do in an emergency situation.

For example, if someone’s heart has stopped, you should know how to perform CPR.

Another example is if you get cut you need to disinfect the wound and then bandage it.

But great health goes beyond that, you should know what kinds of food to eat and what kinds to avoid, how to keep your immune system optimal.

Much more all of these are important because health problems are expensive and can be hard to fix depending on the problem.

Some are even irreversible hence, you should take your health seriously if you want the most in life.

Becoming attractive both physically and mentally

The fourth thing is becoming attractive both physically and mentally, we humans are visual creatures, so we prefer to be around beautiful people even if the homely ones are better for us.

Actually while most women know that men obviously like physically attractive women, many men don’t know that women nowadays want the hot guys as well.

If you’re a man you need to develop some muscles and lower your body fat through fitness for the unaware.

Women you need to control your weight for an ideal figure and keep your skin as clean and clear as possible.

Regardless both men and women need great hygiene and sense of style to really, rake in the results genetics do play a role but so does the environment make sure you’re eating healthy and practicing the skills.

I just mentioned earlier in regards to health while looks help initially your personality plays a larger role for long-term.

Relationships both men and women need to be kind to each other when appropriate and no one to be helpful and when to be playful with each other.

for men, pacifically be confident and assertive because most women prefer masculine men over guys who are afraid of their own shadow.

for women be loving caring and supportive because most men prefer feminine women who will be great companions for their man it’s that simple.

Social skills

the fifth thing to enrich your life is your social skills, we humans are social creatures and we found pon those who are antisocial thus we must know what’s appropriate and was not what are interacting with others.

You should know what words to say and what behaviors to display to each individual and understand how that individual rule react.

For example, you may be casual and friendly with your friends while more professional and formal with your boss.

You also need to have manners with modern people being more ruder than ever courtesy, will help you stand out.

You should also know what topics to discuss and what to keep quiet about if you talk about your problems all the time.

For example, no one will want to be around you so social skills are more important than ever.


The sixth thing for helping a communication life out is your speech while they’re talking to an individual or to a crowd you knew to speak clearly and eloquently.

No one wants to share emotionalism on floor so you need to practice speaking correctly.

To fix that problem by working on your enunciation and reflection if you have glossophobia which is the fear of public speaking find a support group like Toastmasters for example and practice for feedback until you’re satisfied.

Speaking is one of the most important skills out there because for most interactions words are important alongside the gestures this can go hand in hand with social skills together.

If you develop the appropriate social communication skills, you will get far in life.

Use technology

I guarantee you that the seventh thing to develop is knowing how to use technology

We now live in a world that’s dominated by computers and various types of Technology.

Gone are the Boomer days when we were just use our physicality or mentality to do our special or mundane tasks so we must become technological literate.

While most of you don’t need to know how to build a computer or smart phone from Silicon or soldering circuits you should know how to set up and maintain your operating system how to make your application run efficiently and make it work.

For you not knowing how to use your gadgets can be expensive and even detrimental depending on how severe your lack of knowledge is you could lose your precious data and recast you greatly to recover it and even sometimes you can recover it at all if you know how to run your device.

you can avoid such problems thus learn how to operate your computer or smart device.

DIY projects

The eighth thing is doing DIY projects that involve building and repairing this can be anything your house your car gardening and more if there’s anything that screams independence it’s the ability to build and repair stuff.

Let’s take the car for example, changing the air filter can be expensive even want the actual part being cheap because of the charge of labor.

If you’re able to do things yourself, you will be able to save money and perhaps even sell your DIY skill to others the long story short learn to do it yourself.

These things will help you improve your life, so did you find them helpful Are there any more skills and knowledge to know about?

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